Tues Morning

Dear Girl,
How are you? Fine I hope! What have you done the most of since I seen you last?
I’ve not done anything of any importance. I am going to R.S. if it does’ent rain me out. I am kindly afraid I’ll get my head wet ha.
We are planning to have a program at Oconee Friday night & so they put me on to defend Mrs slact as old Mr Evans cow got out in her garden & eat all of her cucumbers & cabbage & we are suing for damage there fore we will have to practice every night all week so I wont get to come to R.S. either night or Sun. I did,ent want to disappoint you & will drop this note in the office if I don’t get to talk to you any to days but will be over one time during X,mas.
I will make this short for the simple reason Ive nothing to write about.

Your friend,